Three Tips For Planting Your Dreams

Three Tips For Planting Your Dreams

How clear are you about your heart’s desires? This is a vitally important question. Why? Because clarity is necessary for clearing the path toward your dreams. All creation begins in the imagination. First comes the dream. Then comes the emergence into reality. It is...
You are a Human Acorn

You are a Human Acorn

When you stop and think about it, aren’t acorns an incredible phenomenon of nature? They go from being less than an inch big with no hint that they can grow into enormous, gorgeous trees with majestic branches and leaves that provide shade, oxygen, and delight to...
Taming your “little beasties”

Taming your “little beasties”

Do you stop yourself from pursuing your heartfelt desires? Do you talk yourself out of taking steps toward a vision that has been calling to you? Do you sense something is missing from your life that would make it more fulfilling? Your visions are essential. They are...