Five Ways To Cope With Not Being A Grandmother

Five Ways To Cope With Not Being A Grandmother

They’ll give you a taste when you can’t get the full meal. I’m bummed because I can’t get admission into the Grandmother’s Club. You automatically join that club when you become a grandmother. Since membership depends on the behavior of other people whom I...
Do you have a habit of correcting your spouse?

Do you have a habit of correcting your spouse?

I do, though I hate to admit it. I’m a stickler for details. I didn’t know this about myself until I experienced my partner’s reaction to this annoying tendency. He doesn’t enjoy it one little bit. I’ve learned to recognize that the reason it bugs him is that I’m...
Three Tips For Planting Your Dreams

Three Tips For Planting Your Dreams

How clear are you about your heart’s desires? This is a vitally important question. Why? Because clarity is necessary for clearing the path toward your dreams. All creation begins in the imagination. First comes the dream. Then comes the emergence into reality. It is...