You are a Human Acorn

You are a Human Acorn

When you stop and think about it, aren’t acorns an incredible phenomenon of nature? They go from being less than an inch big with no hint that they can grow into enormous, gorgeous trees with majestic branches and leaves that provide shade, oxygen, and delight to...
Taming your “little beasties”

Taming your “little beasties”

Do you stop yourself from pursuing your heartfelt desires? Do you talk yourself out of taking steps toward a vision that has been calling to you? Do you sense something is missing from your life that would make it more fulfilling? Your visions are essential. They are...
Getting stuck is no fun.

Getting stuck is no fun.

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck? I have! In fact, it happened a few weeks ago. It was no fun. You know what I mean. Feeling like you just can’t find the energy, or the interest, or the oompf  to move toward something that’s important to you. Like your motor...
Are your dreams covered in mud?

Are your dreams covered in mud?

Have you lost sight of your dreams, or don’t know how to bring them to life? If so, you are not alone. So many people lose touch with their dreams or lose confidence in the possibility that they could become a reality. A true story that points the way I love this...